Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Le Foto Album!

Oui oui! Our album is complete... at least until we move. Sigh. The next few months of our lives will prove to be, it is my prediction, quite difficult. I have resigned from my position as Director of Day Support, am still working to complete my work to become a Board Certified Positive Behavior Support Facilitator, minutes ago we signed an acceptance on an offer made to purchase our house, and there is the potential of a child joining us in the next 2 years.

Then again, my not having a job come May 9th may lead to the banks not helping us with a home loan, which may lead to us living in smaller more temporary housing, which in turn could delay the adoption placement. My resignation timing may have been poor, but it was necessary. I know that things work out, "It's all going to be all right". I believe that. Hard times usually pass and coming through them means the start of a better day!

ANYWAY, our album is now complete and you may view it (hopefully by clicking on this web link or copying and pasting it to your browser. Be sure to click on "Full screen view" or else the images will be distorted and you may not be able to read the small print)


Of course when if/when I find a new job, and if/when we move into a new home, we will have to update our book and reprint for mothers to see a more accurate picture of our lives.

And just when I thought, "That's it! Now all we do is wait!" we got a letter in the mail; TODAY! It stated that we may be excused from having to complete all the new requirements for our home before the homestudy is considered "complete". I believe we will be grandfathered in. Otherwise, it would mean we have to be ready for a placement at any given moment, (ex. have beds or crib/pack-n-play/etc. in place for each potential child, have extra fire extinguishers in certain locations, have all meds locked up, emergency evacuation plan and supplies in place,etc).

So stay tuned! We'll be making ch-ch-ch-changes in many big aspects of our lives and will have plenty to report soon.